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Instant Play Guitar And Piano

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Instant Play Guitar And Piano Software publisher Topics Entertainment has two new music instruction software suites called Instant Play Guitar and Instant Play Piano. I say suites because each of these titles is made up of four different instructional methods on four separate CD-ROMs. This is like getting four software titles for $29.95 MSRP with some of the software installing as applications while others playing like videos. With either Instant Play Guitar or Instant Play Piano you get a combination of interactive instruction that goes at your own pace as well as inspiring examples of great musicianship on both these instruments.

These instructional programs run on PCs only for now. Instant Play Guitar includes: Guitar Coach™ First Lessons, software you install to use; Play Guitar more like video instructions with a Web site interface; ChordWizard® Silver Edition v2.0 is a guitar chord demystifier program that works as an adjunct to your own music making routine; and Guitar Pro Lite, another installed program.

Instant Play Piano also has four CD-ROMS: Keyboard Foundation™, Etude Sight Reader, Music Masterworks XE and Personal Ear Trainer. All of these are installed programs that focus on specific musical training areas.

I found each one of these CD-ROMs more than worth the price of the four total in each suite. They loaded and ran fine on my garden-variety PC and were very well thought out and produced. For much more about them, contact Topics Entertainment at:

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