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Web Marketing For The Music Business from Focal Press

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Web Marketing For The Music Business from Focal Press

One of the most up-to-date and comprehensive books I've seen on this important topic comes from author Tom Hutchison who breaks down Web music marketing into well-written chapters with all the nuts and bolts of 'getting your music over' on the Internet.

Starting with a brief history and current state of music marketing on the Web in chapter one and two and then going on through developing a strategy in chapter three, Hutchison gets down to real Web mechanics with chapters four, five, six, seven, and eight covering domains, Web site creation, scripting languages, search engine secrets, and audio/video files--knowledge you'll need to put music online at your own Web site.

Chapters nine through fifteen get to areas most people (including myself) have a weak understanding of. This is probably the most important section for musicians who already use existing online music sites to sell their wares. You'll learn about E-commerce and product fulfillment services; finding your market; promotion; how to exploit social networking sites such as MySpace; catering to mobile phone users; and roadblocks on the information superhighway.

Even though I've maintained my own Web site since 1995, I found Web Marketing For The Music Business a great resource with loads of great, up-to-date information I'll use often. From Focal Press, it sells for $31.95.

Buy It At AmazonWeb Marketing For The Music Business

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